Executive benefitS

Tailored Solutions to Attract and Retain Top Talent

At JH Berry Risk Services, we understand that executives and key employees are critical to the success of any organization. To attract, retain, and reward these high-caliber individuals, companies need to offer more than just standard benefits. Our Executive Benefits Services are designed to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of top executives while aligning with your company’s long-term financial and strategic goals.

Why Executive Benefits Matter

Executive benefits play a crucial role in securing the loyalty and motivation of your organization’s key leaders. These individuals often have different financial goals, compensation structures, and retirement planning needs compared to other employees. Offering a tailored executive benefits package demonstrates your commitment to their success and helps position your company as an employer of choice in a competitive market.

Key Features of Our Executive Benefits Services:

  • Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans (SERPs): SERPs are a powerful tool for providing additional retirement income for your executives beyond what’s offered through traditional 401(k) or pension plans. We help design, implement, and manage SERPs that align with your business goals and give your executives the financial security they need for long-term planning.

  • Executive Deferred Compensation Plans: Deferred compensation plans allow executives to set aside a portion of their income, tax-deferred, for retirement or other financial goals. Our experts help structure these plans to maximize tax efficiency and meet the needs of both your executives and your organization.

  • Executive Life and Disability Insurance: Standard insurance policies may not provide enough coverage for key executives. We offer enhanced life and disability insurance solutions tailored to your top leadership team, ensuring they have the protection they need in case of unexpected events. These plans can be structured to offer additional tax and financial benefits.

  • Key Person Insurance: Protect your company against the financial loss that could result from the unexpected death or disability of a key executive. Key person insurance provides a payout that helps your company maintain financial stability, cover recruitment costs, and ensure business continuity in the event of such a loss.

  • Equity-Based Compensation: Incentivize and reward your top executives through equity-based compensation, such as stock options, restricted stock units (RSUs), and other performance-driven plans. These compensation structures align the interests of your executives with those of your company, helping drive long-term performance and growth.

  • Executive Health and Wellness Programs: We provide enhanced health and wellness benefits specifically designed for executives, including executive physicals, concierge medical services, and mental health support. These programs help ensure the well-being of your top leaders, reducing burnout and promoting long-term health.

  • Golden Handcuffs: Golden handcuffs are retention tools designed to keep your key executives with the company for the long term. By offering benefits that vest over time, such as equity-based incentives or deferred compensation, you can ensure that your leadership team remains loyal and committed to the company’s future success.

Why Choose JH Berry Risk Services for Executive Benefits?

At JH Berry Risk Services, we specialize in designing executive benefit packages that meet the needs of both your key leaders and your organization. We take a personalized approach, working closely with your team to develop customized benefits solutions that drive retention, performance, and long-term growth.

Our deep understanding of executive compensation and benefits allows us to offer strategies that maximize tax efficiency, reduce risk, and enhance overall financial security for your executives. Whether you’re looking to attract new leadership or retain your current team, we help you design competitive benefits that stand out in the marketplace.

Ready to Design a Competitive Executive Benefits Package?

Let JH Berry Risk Services help you create a comprehensive executive benefits program that supports your company’s growth and keeps your top talent motivated. Contact us today to learn more about our Executive Benefits Services and how we can help you deliver unparalleled value to your leadership team.