JHB - Benefit Services (More than 100 employees) 

We believe most companies overpay for benefits and the vendors that service them. We create incredible results with three simple models based upon your needs.

Tier 1 - Concierge ($1,000/month)

Communication/Education/Concierge: Prepare to be amazed at how we communicate, educate, and serve your employees and covered members. We can have your company live in 24-36 hours.

Included Services:

◦ Custom Branded Benefit Website

◦ Custom Branded Educational Videos (every benefit and service)

◦ Postcard Campaigns w/QR codes

◦ Benefit Concierge (24/7) Support - Inbound (phone or email)

◦ Benefit Concierge Education Program - Outbound (phone, text, email)

Tier 2 - Concierge + ($1,000/month + 25% of Savings*)

Cost Mitigation + Communication/Education/Concierge: Prepare to be amazed at how we help your company and members reduce their cost and improve benefits. Your cost should reduce from 5%-40% based upon where you are today. Plus, you get all the services offered in our Concierge Level package.

Included Services:

◦ Custom Branded Benefit Website

◦ Custom Branded Educational Videos (every benefit and service)

◦ Postcard Campaigns w/QR codes

◦ Benefit Concierge (24/7) Support - Inbound (phone or email)

◦ Benefit Concierge Education Program - Outbound (phone, text, email)

◦ Blueprint Analysis (24 month claims analysis with solutions)

◦ Ongoing weekly claim feed updates with reporting and analysis - weekly calls with action plan

*Savings converts to PMPM service fee for years 2&3

Tier 3 - Concierge + Enrollment ($1,000/month + 25% of Savings* + $5/PEPM)

Cost Mitigation + Communication/Education/Concierge: Prepare to be amazed at how we help your company and members reduce their cost and improve benefits. Your cost should reduce from 5%-40% based upon where you are today. Plus, you get all the services offered in our Concierge Level package and we also support your company’s enrollment/eligibility/compliance reporting.

Included Services:

◦ Custom Branded Benefit Website

◦ Custom Branded Educational Videos (every benefit and service)

◦ Postcard Campaigns w/QR codes

◦ Benefit Concierge (24/7) Support - Inbound (phone or email)

◦ Benefit Concierge Education Program - Outbound (phone, text, email)

◦ Blueprint Analysis (24 month claims analysis with solutions)

◦ Ongoing weekly claim feed updates with reporting and analysis - weekly calls with action plan.

◦ Customized enrollment platform with integration to payroll and vendor systems (weekly EDI/API)

◦ Simplified Billing - All vendors billed under one consolidated bill with payment to vendors

◦ ACA Reporting - Year end 1094/1095 reporting**

*Savings converts to PMPM service fee for years 2&3

** Nelco reporting fees billed separately